Bring out your Inner Child!

It's been days, weeks even years and you have been feeling tired, cranky, irritated with no feeling of wonder or magic at all. You long for a nice rest, or a relaxing time but a mention of anything such makes you flinch and the mind fires back prompting you this is not the right time for these things. But let me tell you, if you listen to the mind you will always be left longing.
If you are in this condition, then my dear friend your inner child is longing to play and have a good time. And I sincerely hope and trust that you are aware of the fact that within each of us is a child who brings a sense of wonder and joy to our world. Even if you didn't know that before now you do! Yayy!
Children's Day is celebrated all over the world on different dates, it's on Nov 14th where I live, so this article is for all of you children out there who do a very good job of disguising themselves as adults!😜

Each of us experience the same thing in different ways so I won't tell you that I know what it's like going through everything you are going through but to tell you the truth, I have experienced my own set of stress and the cranky, tired state. When there is too much work, even when you put your head on the pillow at night multiple things are going through it and even if you take a holiday, it is the opposite of relaxing. I have experienced it ALL and from time to time I still do. Work is a part of our life BUT work is NOT life.

This is the reason why you should bring out that beautiful child in you.There must be a balance between work and play and therefore my inner child is reaching out to you to play! Will you join?

I have shared things which I do to let my inner child play and I have shared some of my work, hope this inspires you.

How to bring out the Inner Child?

1. Stop "adulting"

Yes, stop it right now! And even if that word didn't exist in the dictionary before, it does now.
Literally stop being an adult. If you ever observed a happy child, what does he/she do? Go and do that right now and I am not talking about children who stare at screens all day, that is a really bad habit all parents must know.
What did you like to do when you were a child? Do that today and let me know.
(Hint: dancing, watching cartoons, visiting the zoo etc.) And stop eye-rolling and making faces 😜

2. Bring out the crayons and color!

Coloring is a soothing and therapeutic practice and an easy way to have fun! But remember, color the way you want NOT the way you should, ditch the rules. Color outside the lines if you want to. Below I have shown some of my coloring work. The designs I have been coloring are available for free download as a PDF on my website, click here. If you wish to gift yourself a coloring book I have provided my favorite ones at the end.

3. Watch cartoons! or a Disney Movie!

"What! How can I watch cartoons, I am an adult!"

No, honey you are not, especially not now. I know you think it is not appropriate for an adult to watch cartoons, but it is not appropriate to work and be stressed for that long either. It is not appropriate to be a tired and cranky person all the time but you are. So, again drop the rules and watch some cartoons. A nice episode of Tom and Jerry or Mickey Mouse will do a lot of good to you. Your vitality will be up in no time. And how cool was Scooby Doo!
I am in love with Disney movies, they always remind us to believe in miracles and that magic is all around right now!
(I do not recommend watching cartoons like Simpsons or Family Guy for the inner child)
P.S. When you watch cartoons, then please do that and not anything else along with it. I know many people who would create work presentations/reports while watching cartoons.

4. Paint or create art.

You don't have to be Picasso to paint. Nobody was a better Picasso than Picasso himself and nobody is a better you than YOU yourself! Be yourself now! I just love to paint. Sometimes I take time out of my schedule just to paint something. It doesn't have to be big or sophisticated it can be anything, like pots!

"It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child"
~ Pablo Picasso

Somehow, I had a total of 7 small terracotta pots and I didn't know what to do with them. They were too good to throw away, so I made them my 'masterpieces', There is a 'before' picture of a pot and the 'after' results, have a look


5. Treat Yourself and Enjoy Life!

Whatever things you did as a child were the things that made you happy. You weren't doing it just to prove yourself to someone or just because you looked "cool". You did those things because you liked them to do. And that's the way you should live your life as an adult. Responsibilities are a part of life but they are NOT your life. Drop all the guilt, the Do's and Don'ts and the rule book. This would help you to achieve a balance between work and play.
While writing this blog I wished to eat ice-cream, don't you just love ice-cream? Being a clean and healthy eater I hadn't eaten ice-cream for a while now because I didn't crave it. So, I had to treat myself to Chocolate chip ice-cream.
But don't go overboard with the ice-cream! 

6. Go to the park


Ah, the park holds things of so much wonder and not just a running/walking session for weight loss. The leaves falling from the trees, the butterfly fluttering showing off its lovely colors, the chirping of the birds and the kids playing all sorts of games. A park is a wonderful place to be, the green and lush nature helps us to detox taking away all our stress and bringing out the true self. Stop all the work and go to the park and just enjoy, smell the flowers, you can even take a picnic basket with you and don't forget to invite me!

7. Play with your pet or child or both


Do you remember the last you played anything? Don't answer if you are thinking "Yes, I played Candy Crush (or similar) half hour ago" These games do not clear stress they add it more.
Go and play with your pet and see how happy it will be you gave them attention. Ask your child what games he/she plays and then join them! Do you remember any of the games you played as a child?
You can even take your child or pet to the park and detox and enjoy at the same time.
(Hint: Hide and seek, Ice-water, Statue are some of the games I used to play)
P.S. Dogs play a great game of hide and seek
Share with me what you used to play?

I hope I was able to tickle out your inner child and fill you with fun, warm and fuzzy feelings. I wish you would try all these and share how you felt. The links to my favorite coloring books are below

Notes from the Universe Coloring Book

The Affirmations Coloring Book

Messages from the Fairies Coloring Book

Messages from the Unicorn Coloring Book

I wanted to include one more, but I guess that would be too much 😉

Until next time,

Love, Laughter, Unicorn Glitter and sprinkles!



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