A Message of Hope and Change

All the different news from around the world have shaken things up. Political, natural, physical etc. all the levels are being shaken up. The people have suffered and those who weren’t there have suffered with knowing the pain of others and feeling helpless to change the circumstances. 

But all this pain is bringing forth a transformation. It is making us realize what we shouldn’t put up with. It is showing us the value of life we are given which we often take for granted. It also shows us the value of each other. In the midst of suffering and each heart-wrenching news I noticed a common theme but not of hate, fault or revenge but of courage. In each incident when people were in danger there were those who cared more for others than for themselves. They put their life in danger to save those around them. Not how many people suffered but many others who were saved due to the spirit of some. That’s what gave me hope. I felt sad and proud at the same time. 

It also made me realize the price we have to pay if we nurse our hurts instead of healing or releasing them. The price the society pays when such hurt turned into anger is fueled by an idea which destroys others. Don’t let anything even slightly close to hurt, anger, sadness or resentment get into you. Release such burdens before they take over you. Try to help those who you think have fallen into this. It will not be easy, and you cannot cover it up with just happy thoughts. But it is better to feel the pain of release than taste the poison it later becomes. My absence for so long has been due to the time I have given myself, to work on myself. But I felt the need to share this today.

Another thing we can do to help each other : Pray

I don’t know your beliefs regarding God but I respect them all. I am not a religious person but I believe everything is energy. Our thoughts do have an outcome and the outcome depends on the type of energy the thought holds. Even if you don’t pray, sending a comforting thought to others will help them in ways you cannot imagine.

So from today, at least once a day pray for: yourself, your family, the people around you, the nature, the animals and the world. And all of this can be done in a single prayer

Dear God/Energy/Universe (whatever you prefer)

Please help and protect me and my family, the people around us, the animals and nature. Please give wisdom to those who are going astray. Fill this world with love. 
So be it, so it is (whatever you prefer)

Hope, Comfort and Love



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